Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chad and Jeremy and Batman

The other day, I was watching the 1966 Adam West Batman television show with my six-year-old son, Alex.  The show is on fairly often in my house.  My twelve-year-old son, Ashton hates it.  He delights in pointing out how cheesy and unrealistic it is.  I haven’t the heart to explain to him that he’s missing the whole point of the show.  My eleven-year-old daughter Katie doesn’t care one way or another, skipping in and out of the room at her leisure when the show is on.  

I don’t have really strong memories of the show, having only seen it a few times in the seventies.  When you grew up in the seventies, you were at the whims of broadcast television.  I seem to relate it strongly to memories of my Grandmother Lomax’s house in North Carolina.  I remember catching it there and being disappointed that I wouldn’t see the second part of the two-parter because we were leaving the next morning.  I remember first seeing the show at a friend’s house in Texas during the “Hide and Seek in a Cactus Patch Incident of 1975”.  We’ll leave that for another blog entry.
But Alex?  Alex LOVES the show.  He’ll sit quietly playing with his action figures afterwards, and I’ll listen in as he narrates their adventures just as the announcer does on Batman.  Alex even cuts to commercial break, cutting back in so we can see how the hero gets out of the deviously devised trap.  Whatever else I’m doing as a father for my kids, I know I’m creating strong Adam West Batman memories in Alex.  So you’re welcome, future grandchildren.
So we’re watching the show one day and two singers come on.  The plot is something like Catwoman planning to kidnap these two musicians and Batman’s gotta stop her.  They even have the two guys staying at Millionaire Bruce Wayne’s house for extra safety.
Knowing the show has a history of random guest stars, I hit the IMDB app on my trusty iPad and found out that they were indeed, real musicians.  Chad and Jeremy.  Okay.  I’ve never heard of them, so let me leap onto iTunes, download their album “Yesterday’s Gone” that seems to have the most acknowledgement, and try them out at work the next day.
No.  Good.
Which means I love them.
I love music.  (Thanks to Matt Rusnak.)  Specifically, I like music from the sixties and seventies and orchestral movie soundtracks.  (Matt takes no credit for that last bit.)  Sometimes I’ll listen to music from the 1980’s.  Very rarely I’ll engage a few playlists I have of modern music.  So it’s not like I’m unfamiliar with the era of the sixties, or unaccustomed to this kind of music.
But just… wow.  I’m totally imagining them as the Justin Beiber’s of their day, selling relatively well and getting guest shots on TV shows.  But just getting respect from no one.  
My favorite by far is their song “My Colouring Book”:  
I’ve a most unusual coloring book
The kind you never see.
Crayons ready?  Very well…   
Begin to color…   
Wait… what?  Back up.
Some of the songs make me think these guys were not taking themselves too terribly seriously, which makes me love them even more.  I love to sit at work, Chad and Jeremy in my iPod, ‘seat dancing’ for all to see.  There’s something about not taking yourself too terribly seriously that is incredibly liberating.  And we can all relate to that scene in whatever movie’s playing where the main character gets caught singing and dancing when they think no one’s looking.  One of my most endearing traits on my last team was my habit of suddenly slipping into a loud rendition of Captain and Tenille.  Love will keep us together.  You and me, babe, forever.  Indeed.
I have yet to find anyone that remembers Chad and Jeremy.  I have not yet asked Adam West.  My father-in-law looked at me as if I’d grown a second head.  I played them for my metal-loving friend Mario Adractas.  He was less than enthused.  So yeah, let me know if I’m wrong about these dudes and they’re just the bee’s knees, second only to the Beatles, Animals, Byrds, Stones, Doors, Beach Boys, Monkees, and Englebert Humperdinck.
It’s just the nearness of you, darling.
They did do a version of “The Girl from Ipanema”.  I find it jazzy and it makes me sway my head from side to side while I pretend to sing.
So I URGE you, go out and study Chad and Jeremy.  Not to advance the music of the sixties into the decades of our future.  No no… the Beatles have that covered.  Instead, use Chad and Jeremy to start random group instant messages to all of your co-workers spelling out the lyrics and not explaining to them what you’re doing.
Open the door, and let me in!
It’s me!  It’ s me!  I’m here again!
Gimme a smile, and show me through.
You know I’m here to be with you!
No one here to see us!  No… one… else… around!
So cuddle me tight.
And turn out the light.
Your mama’s out of town… TONIGHT!
It will sow confusion and discord.  Believe me, I know.



  1. You are SUCH a goofball, Chuck. I never really understood your love for cheesy things until superhero knock-off action figures. Then I realized "ohhhhh. he KNOWS it's lame. That's WHY he loves it."

    I'm convinced that the show "Press Your Luck" only aired in Grandma Lomax's living room. I have no memory of watching Batman at her house though.

    No whammies! No whammies! No whammies!

  2. They were so yesterday.... and yesterday's gone.

    Look forward to The catus story :)


  3. "Chad & Jeremy? Holy Kleenex Batman! They were right under our nose the entire time and we BLEW IT!!!!!"

  4. As we age, we slowly become idiots. This is proven by how uncool our children eventually find us to be. Chad & Jeremy are the gateway to this. They were not being ironic with their music. Don't look for something that isn't there, and go listen to something else, PLEASE!

  5. I am proud of you. You stepped out of your comfort zone and found music that I don't even know. This proves you are evolving even though Chad and Jeremy are from the 60's it's new to you. :)

