Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Naming the Kids

How did you decide what to name your kids?

Some people give their kids family names. Some parents buy baby names book and agonize for awhile. Some families make up names and some take inspiration from celebrities of the day.

For Lorie and I, naming the kids was a dance of mystery and intrigue. Lorie knew that I wanted to name the kids after comic book super heroes, and she did NOT want that to happen. So there was a careful cat-and-mouse game constantly going on. One of us would suggest a name, the other would agree, then Lorie would try to do some research on the name and wonder why I suggested it or agreed to her suggestion so readily.

Our first kid was born before we had any kind of internet connection, so Lorie's powers of research were minimal. We agreed to name him Ashton Carter. Lorie suggested Ashton and I suggested Carter. I told her I got the idea from her favorite hunk on E.R.

It's Hawkman. Carter Hall. Second favorite character of the DC Universe. My first born is named after Hawkman.

Our second child popped out female. Kathryn Lynn. Lynn was Lorie's middle name, before she had it legally changed to her maiden name. We both liked Kathryn because of the utility of it. She could go by Katie, Kate, or Kathryn as an adult. But she'll always be Katie to me.

No plot twist to report on that one, folks. Although I pushed long and hard for 'Diana'. Diana has always been one of my favorite female names, probably because of the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman show. But Lorie refused to budge on that one. Maybe in my next life.

Our third child was a boy. Alexander Emory. Emory was Lorie's grandfather's name. so there's the family connection. The name Alex came from Alex Raymond, creator of Flash Gordon and incredibly influential artist of the 1930's and 1940's. His art is beautiful. I just didn't bother to tell Lorie where the name came from. And there aren't a whole lot of heroes named "Alex". (I can think of one off the top of my head. You?)

It's worth noting that Alex's "screamed through the house" name is different from his actual name. Most parents invoke the use of the full name when they mean business. I've gone beyond that. I'll thunder my voice through the house and call for:

"Alex Emory Ignatius Montague Thaddeus Boddog Dill the Third!"

You can imagine how he feels about that.



  1. "Havok (Alexander "Alex" Summers) is a fictional character, a mutant superhero in the Marvel Comics Universe and member of the X-Men."

    No love for Alex Ross?

  2. I never once did research on a potential kids name to see if it was a Super Hero's name. With you as a husband I figured I already new all the big ones.


  3. For us, we had several names we liked but I told my wife I had to see their faces before I could decide. When they came out I thought the first looked like a Joshua and the second like a Jordan. The middle names were already decided to be family names. I think they're perfect!

