My birthday popped up here recently and I ended up having a lot of fun.
My pal Mario planned out a day of surprises with my wife Lorie. It was also Rebecca's birthday (Mario's wife). So... Not knowing what was gonna happen had my stomach in knots for two days previous. It was ridiculous! I might be a little bit of a control freak.
Early on a Saturday morning, Lorie and I left the kids with her parents and went for a 45 minute bike ride exploring the Vienna portion of the WO&D Trail. We explored a park together and stopped at a farmer's market. I had a mushroom borek for breakfast at the Farmer's market, and salmon and lox at Lorie's parents place when we got back.
That afternoon, Mario drove us out to the country without telling us our final destination. Rebecca wore a dress, but had combat fatigues and boots packed just in case. You never quite know with Mario. But, as it turns out, Lorie and Mario had decided on a wine tasting afternoon at a winery in Hillsboro, VA. It was perfect.
Two glasses of wine later, I was sloshed. I'm a lightweight.
When we got back to Mario's house, we walked in on a surprise party with all of our friends and cake.
Lorie and I crashed with Mario and Rebecca that night. And my weekly Sunday morning bike ride with Mario was a tummy- turning basket of Hell!
Thanks to Lorie and Mario for such a great time. And no... I'm not telling the fart story today. I'll tell you later.

This is the card my sister Robyn made for me. I'm famously hipster ironic.

Birthday presents!

Found a wall on the bike trail. It had a date carved in it in a bit of raised-yet-depressed weirdness.

Found the Farmer's Market.

On the trail.

Action Lorie speeds off to explore the park.

This train was set aside on an old piece of track at the Farmer's market portion of the trail.

Lorie got a panoramic shot of the winery. Click for a bigger version.

They look like they're texting, but they're just preparing to take pictures.

Coy pond at the winery.

I asked Mario if there was a Greek God of creepy kisses. Mario promptly informed me that this was 'Kissecles'.

The Spirit of Kissecles was in the air.

Mario decided to give me some acting lessons while we were there. This is confidence intermingled with indifference.

This is smoldering sexuality marked with a heavy dose of wine appreciation.

My memory is failing me on this range of emotion. Unbridled passion? Heartfelt song? Impending bathroom emergency?

Back at the house. I didn't get many pictures. But here, for your enjoyment, is my wife sitting with Matt's crotch and Jen Kranich sitting in a chair clearly made for a two year old.

Next morning, bike trip photo op guest starring Bill Wakefield. This is right after I fought off the urge to throw up.

The winery again. It really was beautiful.