Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Summer Overgrowth

Ever since I stopped collecting physical objects and turned my attention to virtual pursuits, other hobbies seem to have started to grab my attention.

One of the things I'm doing is collecting old houses. Pictures of old houses, rather. And not necessarily just nice old houses.

This is one of the houses on the road by where I work. The road used to be busy with traffic between Martinsburg and Northern Virginia. That's different now that there's a new highway. And some changes are apparent.

I love seeing things like this in summer. Makes me think the vegetation is much stronger than what we normally give it credit for.

Here's a shot of the shed out back.

This place used to be a King's pizza when I first started at the place where I work eight years ago. I think I even picked up takeout there once.

And I love the way the vegetation is growing out even onto the telephone and power lines.



  1. Don't you want to go in that house and explore?!?? That's what I think whenever I see a house like that.

  2. Don't you remember my story about "exploring" that abandoned house i Clifton so many years ago?


  3. Yes the Sanitarium in Clifton. We used to party back in there.


  4. Nice change of pace, let the photos do some of the talking. Old home always have a mystery about them, brings out the Sherlock in us. Enjoyed these, thanks. Gramps

  5. What's with the jungle overgrowth? Have the talking apes taken over West Virginia??? West Virginians, "YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! DAMN YOU!!!"

  6. I'd love to explore some of these houses. However, taking pictures is as far as I've gotten. And yes, Matt. The Clifton graveyard story. Haven't thought about that gem in years.

  7. This one I love and can totally relate to. I want to explore the insides of all these old places too. I'm sure most of them would actually be unimpressive inside but some have to interesting.
